Monday, May 18, 2020

Movie Review The Virgin Suicides - 846 Words

Sofia Coppola is the daughter of the famous director Francis Ford Coppola who made The Godfather films. She is a producer, director, screenwriter and actress. Coppola directed and wrote the 1999 film The Virgin Suicides. Her directorial work for Lost in Translation won an Oscar. She became the first American woman to win the Golden Lion, the top prize at the Venice Film Festival in 2010. Coppola made brief appearances in her father s films throughout her childhood. Acting, however, would not be Sofia s strong suit. As seen in her performance in the third instalment of The Godfather. She was cast at the last minute as Mary Corleone, Coppola was ruthlessly panned by critics for her stiff and false portrayal. Following this, Sofia retreated from the spotlight, enrolling in the fine arts program at the California Institute of Arts, concentrating on her photography, experimenting with costume and fashion design. In 1993, however, she began writing the screenplay adaptation of Jeffrey Eugenides The Virgin Suicides. Starring James Woods, Kathleen Turner and Kirsten Dunst, the subtle, haunting film was an overwhelming critical and art house success. Coppola made headlines again in 2003 when she debuted Lost In Translation, a film she both wrote and directed. With actor Bill Murray as her muse, the film tells the story of two Americans strangers. In 2004, Coppola won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for the film. Sofia Coppola s next film wasn t as universallyShow MoreRelated American Beauty, directed by Sam Mendes and The Virgin Suicides, directed by Sofia Coppola2680 Words   |  11 Pagesappears to be normal equal reality? By looking at two different films it seems that the old cliche stands correct. Things aren’t as they appear. American Beauty and The Virgin Suicides give classic examples of how â€Å"normal† and â€Å"happy† suburban life is anything but. 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