Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Deviance on Television - 1049 Words
Deviance on Television In sociology, the term deviance refers to behaviors or attitudes which go against certain cultural norms. It is evident that deviance is a fascinating topic not only for sociologist, but for television industry and its viewers, as well. In recent years, increasing number of shows begun to feature individuals violating every kind of social norm from folkways to taboos. The Secret Life of the American Teenager, an American television series on the ABC Family television network, is one of the many contemporary shows that portray deviant behaviors on national television. It’s intended for the target audience of teens and their families who are trying to cope in a culture where teen girls and boys are sexually active.†¦show more content†¦Her father died in a plane crash and she felt responsible for it. Anne Juergens and George Juergens got divorced, after fifteen years of marriage, because of their marital affairs. I believe that Secret Life of the American Teenager is a good series that show the relationships between families and friends, and how they deal with an unexpected teen pregnancy. It aims to reveal what is like to be a pregnant teenager and how a teen mother copes up with people’s judgments. It also aims to reveal what is like to be a mother in a very young age, and how a teen mother juggles motherhood responsibility and school responsibility. I think that the show is realistic and relevant. It is not unusual for girls to get pregnant in a very young age anymore. I personally know three teenagers that got pregnant at the age of sixteen. Watching this show reminds me of those three people. This show helps me gain a better understand on what teen mothers are going through. However, some viewers might think otherwise and disagree with me. After all, each of us has different perception on certain matter. Some viewers might think it is a dumb show and that it is not appropriate to watch, because of its explicit scenes and language. Bu t, I personally think that the series can be an eye opener or a series that people, especially teenager can learn from. The series did a great job on projecting the consequences of teenage pregnancy and how it has great effects not only to one’s self, but toShow MoreRelatedThe Sociology Of Deviance, Kai T. Erikson1563 Words  | 7 Pages In his Study in the Sociology of Deviance, Kai T. Erikson defends the point that deviant forms of behavior are a natural and beneficial part of social life. One of his main arguments is that, in our modern society, â€Å"the agencies of control often seem to define their job as that of keeping deviance within bounds rather than obliterating it altogether†(Wayward Puritans 24:2). Now, what if society gave to its agencies of control the role of annihilating deviance? 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