Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Car Test Example - 729 Words

I totally reject your very low level of offer ( £--) to settle my claim. Let me reiterate what a senior lawyer and a Fellow Rotarian informed me (I have already conveyed this information to Garry – your Engineer during our telephone conversations on Thursday 21 December 2017 and on Friday 22 December 2017). I also reiterated the lawyer’s advice to me in text messages that I sent to Gary on Thursday 21 December 2017: â€Å"The Industry Body – the Association of British Insurers say that my insurance company must offer me a sum of money that would enable me to buy a similar car in a similar condition in my local area† (A) My Car: 1. My car is Mercedes CLK 220 CDi 2dr Coupe Tip Automatic Avantgarde (June 2009) 2. It has all leather sport seats†¦show more content†¦This is in addition to the fact that the engine did not start. 2. Through autotrader.co.uk (a) Similar car to mine at â€Å"Sale Car Sales†, Sale, Cheshire – 9 miles away from me (b) It has only half leather seats (not all leather). Even if this compensates for the car’s lower mileage than my car, the price is  £7,290. 3. Through ebay.co.uk (a) 2009 (similar to mine) (b) The car has a high mileage (93,919) – much higher than mine, yet the price is  £6,295 and is not in my local area. It is located in Bishops Stortford, Essex (c) It is therefore not possible to determine the condition of the car’s body work, the condition of the tyres and what the MOT Test Certificate says by the way of advisory/recommendation (d) Two other cars on ebay.co.uk, and again not in my areas – they are priced at  £6,790 and  £6,995 4. Privately advertised in the local newspaper (Stockport Express) 2008 model (one year older than my car) and no leather seats – 2 cars at  £6,495 and  £6,735 (C) What my car is worth: Considering (A) and (B) above, my car is worth  £7,500. 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