Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Environment Management for Sustainable Development Assignment

Environment Management for Sustainable Development - Assignment Example Of particular interest to the firm has been the BP oil company. This was brought about by the oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico that involved the company. The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill occurred on April 20th 2010 at the Gulf of Mexico. This was as a result of gas release and consequent significant eruptions on the Horizon oil rig in the Macondo exploration well that belonged to BP Company. Considered as the worst and largest oil spill in marine history, the explosion caused the loss of life of eleven workers in the rig and about seventeen other workers suffering serious injuries. The fire explosion burned for hours before the rig sank causing the oil spill occurrence. The oil spill resulted to considerable economic, environmental and social losses some of which continue to be felt to date (Benoit P, 2011). This report aims to provides a substantial analysis of the BPs activities that BP has planned to undertake in relation to environmental management at present and in future. After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, BP rolled out a sustainability review plan that sought to integrate environmental management activities with the company’s vision, mission, plans and programs(BP, 2010). This was to ensure that such an occurence does not appear again. In reviweing the plans that BP has sought to achieve, a detailed analysis of the effects that the oil spill had on the company, the environment and the stakeholders has been presented below. After the occurence of the spill, BP lost quite an immense amount of public and government support based on integrity values. The company’s reputation was at an all time risk as reported by the media. Before the spill, the company was  £122billion worth but as of late, the company has lost its market value to about two thirds that worth. The spill also resulted to the sacking of the company’s chief executive Tony Hayward and was replaced by Bob Dudley (Benoit, 2010). More particularly,

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