Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Racial Profiling Based Upon Ethnicity and National Origin ...
To what extent can race, ethnicity, and national origin be used in targeting suspects for stops, searches, and arrests? This has become a growing concern of many since the tragic terrorist acts that took place on September 11th, 2001. Previously looked upon as unethical and almost universally condemned, the use of profiles based solely on race to identify possible terrorists is getting a second look. Both proponents and opponents are looking at the legitimacy and necessity of this practice. The United States has fought a long and difficult battle against racism and discrimination. Lives have been lost and many liberties have been infringed upon in the search for racial equality. Now that the 21st century as arrived, a large†¦show more content†¦As we try to answer the proposed question we will look at racial profiling from both sides. A country must take certain measures to ensure the safety of its people. Some argue that in order to protect citizens from acts of ter rorism, various individual freedoms must be sacrificed. Others feel that if we as a nation volunteer to relinquish our freedoms, the federal government will proceed to shred additional individual rights. Like most young Americans, I remember a time of peace. Certainly there was the Cold War with Russia and Desert Storm in Iraq, but for the most part we have not had to deal with casualties of a major war. The freedoms I have are sacred to me; to limit any of them would limit my trust in the federal governments actions in foreign affairs. On the other hand, I believe in protecting the citizens of the United States from harm on home soil. Many analysts, including former CIA Director James Woolsey, believe that the Iraq campaign is really just the start of the 4th World War and one that will undoubtedly last for decades. A lengthy war waged against numerous individual enemies will most certainly bring an amplified outbreak of terrorism to the United States. In this paper I will use the term race defined as a division of mankind possessing traits that are transmissible by descent and sufficient to characterize it as a distinct human type (Webster). A profile is a coherent set of facts, known conditions and observable behaviorShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling in Different Ways791 Words  | 3 PagesRacial Profiling has been used by law enforcement officials from early 60’s during the civil rights movement. The term â€Å"racial profiling†which was introduced to criticize abusive police practices against people of different race, ethnicity or national origin. One must assess how to understand the practice, and how to keep it distinct from other issues. 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